Monday, July 15, 2024

Gentian, a short non-fiction piece published in Argyle


This piece, which is nonfiction, though published under the name, Basil Rosa, appeared in The Argyle Literary Magazine, Issue #3, May of 2024. 

Here is a direct link:

And here below is a tiny excerpt:


by Basil Rosa

It’s a day 

when I believe everything important happens far, far away from where I stand. Two of my brothers, Mark and Steven, and I are shoveling our driveway yet again. We breathe, we work with such vigor. When I pause, I look up to the sky and see it washed metallic and bright and empty of clouds, and I think of it as the boldest, most memorable sky I’ve ever seen. I can also see and smell the ripples of heat radiating from the roof of our iced-up house with its eaves toothed with icicles, and I remember that Mother is in the kitchen baking two loaves of her date-nut bread—one for us boys and one to sell at an annual church fundraiser.... 

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