Monday, August 28, 2023

Anglepoised With Aura, an E-book of poems


These are prose poems, and in them I wander to different places, tending to focus on light and motion and sounds as they represent various dimensions that deepen not only what is being viewed, but in the viewer. Some of these poems occur in Asia Minor, in places such as Termessos, and Aphrodisias, which is why I chose this cover image of a stairway to a theatre in the ancient city of Kibyra . 

You can find the book here:

For Dave Nader

In Loving Memory of Julie Anne Benson Flynn


If we could only find the courage to leave our destiny to chance,

to accept the fundamental mystery of our lives….

Luis Buñuel

Table Of Contents




Ululating Steeples



Never Now Been Where

Chap Mate Pal Bud Chum Bestie

Wheel Slime

Round Sound

Uptight Commuter



Shed Light’s On Again

Eastern Zephyr

A Tribe Of Goats

Purple Termessos

Aphrodisias Yellow-Throated Like A Vireo

Depersonalized At The Ordinary

Stubby Crayon

Vulpine Avenues

If This What Then So Why That

Viscid Lucid

There Will Be Renewal


Three Piedmont Afternoons



Behind The Breakers

Guilt Or Sew

She Charts Her Stance


Drama’s Two Faces

Sewing Needles Not Dragonflies

Body Guarded

A Dandy In Cerulean

Guest Of The Harp

Wharf Rat Roger That

Heresies Of An Infatuation

Reference Maker Mate

Inked In Mighty Frescoes

Scurrilous Char

When Near

A Salty Owl Muses

Rain Rides Down To Rot The Seams

Addressing The Stakes Of Importunate Options

Wonderland Happens Today

Carle In Wormtown

Versions Of Ionia

Luck Disbelief

Burnt End Of A June Evening After Hearing Brodsky Read At Assumption College

Super Mega Ultra 80s Blitz From K-Tel

Realized And Li Po



Mudlark With Black-Eyed Susans


Hills Of Albion Aglow

What The Husband Usually Never Says

Sunday Quiet

Chet Over Easy

Confessing Washed-Up Wannabe


Overcast Tea

Revered Moorings Memorial Day

Your Teacher Your Illusion

It Seems Each Visitor Soon Misses San Francisco

Yoga Morning Year’s First Snow


Wisp And Axis

Growth Amps

Roaches At An Easel Risk The Ferns Of A Beach Dream

Lost Low Northerly

Time Signatures

Whim Oven Sickle

Fractions In E Minor

Status Andronicus

There Are Days

Song From A Little Chatte In Lockdown


Here is a sample poem from the book

There Will Be Renewal



When willows flag and grasses cringe, when frogs and crickets creep with sparrows, and when girls with slow faces learn how to sing, these are the times when we know an innocent has died. We mourn. Pulled toward the earth we find and make our trail back to the mystery where our glorious nothingness began. Does anyone really want to live forever? Gravity is. It never comes on or happens. Sometimes, I wish to collect and refund such gravity. Other times, the air smells like my heart, like methods, an art, daffodils that rehearse in chorus.

I don’t have to become one of the mourners. I already am – unimaginative and too eager for success. I scorn myself as one too jealous. I prefer to be a duck because I’d be allowed to swim all day and wouldn’t need to say much. I could boast a dry back too, and nobly disinterested intentions.

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